SMC Membership
To Become a Member of the Savannah Mustang Club:
The Club is open to any person sixteen years of age with a current driver's license. Ownership of a Ford Mustang is not necessary. The Fee for membership in the Savannah Mustang Club is $20. Print out the application linked below and return with your enclosed check by mail, bring to one of our monthly meetings, or stop by and check out one of our upcoming shows!
Savannah Mustang Club members enjoy fellowship and camaraderie with other Mustang and Ford owners, as well as with fans of other makes and models. There are social outings, special driving and racing events, and regular SMC sponsored car shows. Members also participate in the wider regional area motoring clubs, and they with us.
National Affiliation
Every SMC member is encouraged to join MCA. Although not a requirement for membership in SMC, except to hold office in our club, you will also receive many benefits from MCA membership including their monthly magazine! Find out more by visiting the MCA website